Tuesday, November 9, 2010

long time, no post

Okay, so I didn't post the entire month of October. I am a slacker. But I have my reasons, honest. Well, really just one reason. Turns out (drum roll please...) I'm pregnant! And even though I know NO ONE reads this thing, I didn't want to write about it until I'd told my close friends and extended family. They all know now, so I'll just blog away!
So this pretty much came as a huge surprise. Nathan and I were not planning on starting a family for another couple of years, but turns out, there were other plans in place! Even though we will be making some adjustments, we are very excited to be parents!
I've been given the okay from my doctor to continue riding and even jumping for the time being, provided that I listen to my horse and my body and don't do anything reckless or overly risky. He told me that since I am an experienced rider and that I'm in good shape to be doing this, that there's no reason I can't continue for a little while - as long as my pregnancy remains low-risk.
At first I was shocked. It sounds selfish to say, I know, but my first thought was: well, there's next show season down the tubes. It was really hard for me to take at first, especially since Sarah had Keenan and I working up to 3' and making plans for the Adult Amateurs next year. But then, of course, common sense kicked in and I realized that there will be plenty of people to help me keep Keenan in shape and maybe even show him a little next year. Then there's the fact that he's not a young guy who needs a lot of show experience to keep him seasoned. He's been around and a light year is not going to hurt him. Finally, I am due May 30 so there's even a chance I could be back in the saddle for Northwest Spectacular at the end of August. Maybe wishful thinking, but right now, I'm optimistic.
Everyone at the barn has been so supportive. Some days I feel great - I could ride all day long - and some days it's all I can do to brush my guys and collapse onto a tack trunk in exhaustion. But being there never fails to bring a smile to my face, even if I'm just watching from the sidelines.
Sometimes I still can't believe it...everything is going to change now. Sometimes I don't feel ready, other days I think "bring it on." One thing's for sure, there will be no shortage of horses and ponies in this little one's life!