Thursday, July 8, 2010


Well it turns out that Mr. Keenan has an abcess. Yeah. All this (hopefully) for an abcess. Apparently, when horses have an abcess high up in their hoof, they can exhibit heat and swelling in the leg itself. I really, really hope this is the answer to all our issues over the past several weeks. Abcesses I can deal with - Rapper has had two over the past couple years. Simple, really - remove show, soak, wrap. Lather, rinse, repeat. As long as there's no more colic incidents (like last Friday night - yeah, you can imagine how thrilled I was to hear THAT...the first time I leave cell phone range for a weekend, Keenan colics!), I will be hopeful. Fingers are crossed that this is all it is!

Also, some cell phone photos from last week!

Rapper and Lex, enjoying the sunshine!

horse show coolers are so multi-purpose - thanks for winning this for me, Keenan!

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