Thursday, October 13, 2011

As if I didn't have enough on my plate...

So I stumbled upon a certain blog a few years ago that I have recently rediscovered and still enjoy. Basically, the writer relives her tween years one Babysitter's Club book at a time. Now, I was never much for the BSC (except, surprise surprise, the book where one of the girls gets to take riding lessons), but it got me thinking - why couldn't I do the same with my the Thoroughbred series? I think it would be fun to read them now and reminisce about the infancy of my horse-craziness. I was so head over heels in love with the world of those books. I wanted to be a jockey like Ashleigh; I wanted to save a neglected horse and train it like Samantha - even when the series shifted to eventing for awhile during the "new generation," I longed to be just like those characters.
Long story short, I had my mom bring down as many of the TB books as she could find in my closet. Surprisingly, there were not many. I think some of them must have migrated to the garage - and I KNOW one (my favorite) was eaten by Brady when he was a puppy. Not to mention, I think the last one in the series I ever bought/read was # 39 ("Living Legend?") and the series ended in the 70's or something, so I might have to hit up a library or the used book section of Amazon and see what I can get for close to nothing, dollar-wise.
I have one book read and my comments written down, now to type it all up into something worth reading. Note: I'm not starting ANOTHER blog for this project - I already have a baby-centered on in addition to this - since it's somewhat horsey-related, I'll keep it attached to this one. That is unless it goes big time, I have millions of followers and/or someone wants to make a movie starring Amy Adams and Meryl Streep.
Just kidding, of course. Amy Adams doesn't look at all like me :)

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