Thursday, October 6, 2011

Movin' on up!

Yesterday's lesson was a good one. I never think "all RIGHT!" when I walk into the arena and see a gymnastic set up, but it was actually very good for us. In the beginning, we trotted into the gymnastic and cantered out, which Keenan was less than enthusiastic about (why trot jumps when you can canter them?), but once we started adding a course onto the end of the exercise, he got a lot more cheerful. Rachel even got sneaky and raised the last jump in the gymnastic to 3' without me knowing. Good thing she did, too - my hang-up with jumping 3' is all psychological and if I don't *know* it's 3', I won't look twice at it. Still working on not rushing the jump and throwing my upper body ahead, but I'm getting more comfortable waiting every time I ride. Adult Amateurs here I come!

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